*POST is called different things in different states!  For a full listing, please visit the National POLST Program Names page.

For the most detailed information, the Center offers a comprehensive guide with information about special populations.

Download the WV POST guide for Health Care Professionals (Clinicians)

Important notes:

  • The POST form must be completed after a conversation with the individual or individual's legal MPOA representative/health care surrogate.
  • The POST form is a medical order. A blank POST form should never be provided to an individual for them to complete on their own.
  • The POST form is always voluntary. Completion of a POST form cannot be required under any circumstance including admission to a health care facility or long-term care facility.
  • The POST form must be in accordance with the individual's wishes or the individual's best interests as determined by a MPOA representative/health care surrogate when the wishes are unknown.
  • Orders in Section A are to be followed when the individual has no pulse and is not breathing.
  • Orders in Section B are to be followed when the individual has a pulse and is breathing.
  • The signature section of the POST form includes two extra items for the individual to review.
    • The opt-in box authorizes the form to be submitted to the Registry. It is strongly encouraged that individuals choose to have their forms submitted to the Registry, so they are available 24/7 by health care clinicians.
    • The authorization box authorizes the individual's MPOA representative/health care surrogate to make changes to the POST form in accordance with the individual's wishes (or best interest when wishes are unknown) if the individual's condition significantly deteriorates. This can be helpful in situations where the individual chooses CPR in Section A, has a significant deterioration in health condition, and CPR would most likely result in increased medical damages to the individual. If the authorization box is marked by the individual (when the form is completed and they have capacity), their MPOA representative/health care surrogate could update the POST form to list them as DNR status in Section A.

Contradictory orders:

(Language differences dependent on POST form version)

  • If "CPR" or "Attempt CPR" is selected in Section A,
    • "Full Interventions" or "Full Treatmentsmust be selected in Section B
      • Full Treatments/Interventions is the only treatment level in Section B which authorizes the use of intubation. Individuals who receive CPR are almost always intubated for a period of time following CPR. Therefore, it is not medically contradictory to request CPR but refuse intubation.
  • If "DNR" or "No CPR: Do Not Attempt Resuscitation" is selected in Section A,
    • Any option can be selected in Section B
      • Any option can be selected in Section B and honored when the individual has a pulse and is breathing.

PO(L)ST Policies:

The WV POST  Program honors all policies implemented by National POLST.  The following links are to policies from National POLST.  Visit the official policy page of National POLST for policies that may be added in addition to the current available policies listed below.

Request POST (and/or DNR) forms for your office here -- also available under the "Clinicians" main tab.